
Dexion Absolute has consulted shareholders about its idea to amend its investment strategy and decided not to take it forward. Instead the directors have said that if any class of shares trades at an average 5% discount or wider for the three months from 1 July 2015 to 30 September 2015 or from 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016 then they will put forward recommended proposals to close the Relevant Class(es).

In the event that the GBP Shares are a Relevant Class, the Board will put forward recommended proposals for the liquidation of the Company. In the event that the $ Shares and/or the EUR Shares are a Relevant Class and the GBP Shares are not a Relevant Class, an alternative option shall be provided alongside the closure of the Relevant Class(es) for Shareholders to convert some or all of their Shares of the Relevant Class(es) into GBP Shares.

Today the GBP shares trade close to a 5% discount but the other two share classes are wider.

DAB / DABU / DABE : Dexion Absolute may disappear


Market Capitalisation (M)
Share Price ()
12 Month Trailing Dividend Yield

