
A quick summary of interim results for periods ended 30 June 2015 announced on 28 August 2015

Aberdeen Smaller Companies High Income

NAV total return 15.8%, share price total return 21.8%. Well ahead of FTSE Small Cap Index ex Investment Companies return of 11.9%. Outperformance helped by bids for Domino Printing and Anite


NAV falls 32.1% to 370p from 545p. The biggest impact came from a £34.2m fall in the value in Expro as that stock was hit by the falling oil price and was refinanced in a transaction that Candover couldn’t take part in. Parques and Technogym valuations benefitted from improved trading.

Dunedin Enterprise

NAV total return -0.1%, realisations of £3m and new investments of £10.6m in the half year. £700,000 returned to shareholders by way of share buyback. They say the results for the six months to 30 June 2015 show strong contributions from CitySprint, Hawksford and Kee Safety as a result of earnings growth and an increase in valuation multiples.  This has been offset by the underperformance of Premier Hytemp and EV as a result of trading conditions in the oil and gas sector.

Fair Oaks Income

Total NAV return of 3.1% (well behind Carador which was 4.6% and Blackstone / GSO 4.9%) and a share price return of 5.6%. Board announced intention to pay monthly dividends of 0.7 US cents, supplemented by a larger twelfth interim dividend. Dividends of 4.2 US cents per ordinary share have been paid in respect of the interim period.

P2P Global Investments

NAV returns of 6.1% for ordinary shares and 1.4% for C shares, share price returns of 6.3% and 5%. Dividends of 39.5p and 8.5p. Lending contracts with fifteen platforms worldwide. It also announced a total of ten platform equity investments representing 3.14% of NAV in the Ordinary shares and 2.5% of NAV in the C shares.





Market Capitalisation (M)
Share Price ()
12 Month Trailing Dividend Yield




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