
Phase One drilling results from the Arzu Central target area at Kiziltepe, reveals continuity of mineralisation for at least a further 200m beyond the northern end of the current Arzu South pit and vein system appears to be increasing in width; says Dr. Kerim Sener. The initial round of drilling indicates significant mineralisation occurs within the Arzu Central target zone. Phase Two 2016 drill program has been revised in light of new data from Phase One which shows mineralisation trends in a different manner than originally modelled.

Best intercepts:

  • 10m @ 2.4 g/t Au, 28.3 g/t Ag, 6m@ 2.3 g/t Au + 55.2 g/t Ag; drilled at NW end of Arzu South.
  • 15m @ 1.5 g/t Au, 16.4 g/t Ag; drilled in the Arzu North footwall.

New mineralisation identified in the footwall of the Arzu North vein system appears to extend beneath the rock cap sequence, which is currently untested. Target estimated to be at least 20m wide (true width), which is widest continuous zone of mineralisation ever encountered at Kiziltepe. Phase Two 3,500m drill program to commence late October with the objective of beginning to convert Arzu Central in to a JORC inferred resource with additional new drilling.

Ariana Resources, Phase One drilling shows significant mineralisation : AAU


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