Fidelity Asian Values has announced that, as detailed in its Prospectus dated 26 October 2016, it has made a one for 5 bonus issue of subscription shares and has allotted 13,497,222 subscription shares. The Subscription Price is equal to the published unaudited NAV per Ordinary Share as at 5.00 p.m. on 2 December 2016, plus a premium depending upon the year in which they are exercised. These will be as follows:
- if subscription shares are exercised to have effect on the last Business Day in November 2017, the subscription price will be 370.75pence per share. This being a 1 percent premium to the NAV on 2 December 2016;
- if subscription shares are exercised to have effect on the last Business Day in November 2018, the subscription price will be 381.75 pence per share, being a 4 percent premium to the NAV on 2 December 2016; and
- if subscription shares are exercised to have effect on the last Business Day in November 2019, the subscription price will be 392.75 pence per share, being a 7 percent premium to the NAV on 2 December 2016.
The subscription shares have been admitted to the LSE’s Official List and to trading on the LSE’s main market. The company says that, following the admission of these subscription shares, there will be 67,488,213 Ordinary Shares and 13,497,222 Subscription Shares in issue.
Fidelity Asian Values issues subscription shares and announces subscription price : FAS, FASS