BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust, managed by Mike Prentis (pictured), has announced that, following consultation with the Company’s largest shareholders it is amending its restriction that AIM listed stocks should not exceed 40% of the Company’s portfolio by value is being raised to 50%. The Trust’s board says that, as the amendment does not constitute a material change in investment policy, it does not require approval by shareholders at a general meeting and will take immediate effect.
About BlackRock Smaller Companies
BlackRock Smaller Companies tries to achieve long term capital growth for shareholders through investment mainly in smaller UK quoted companies. The manager tries to achieve the objective by focusing on good quality growth companies that are trading well; stock selection is the primary focus but consideration is also given to sector weightings and underlying themes. Whilst there are no set limits on individual sector exposures against the Company’s benchmark, a schedule of sector weightings is presented at each Board meeting for review.
You can access BlackRock Smaller Companies website here
BlackRock Smaller Companies lift restriction on AIM listed stocks : BRSC