In QuotedData’s morning briefing 14 July 2020:
- Pollen Street Secured Lending shareholders remain in limbo as the deadline for Waterfall making an offer for the company is extended again. This time until 5pm on 11 August.
- Standard Life Private Equity’s estimated NAV edged higher in May to 431.2p from 427.7p. 99% of the valuations of its investments are as at 31 March 2020, however. We are yet to see the full impact of COVID. We talked about this in last week’s news show – listen back here.
- UK Mortgages priced its new Oat Hill No.2 securitisation on Friday. They say weaker pricing as a result of COVID means that this will free up an amount towards the lower end of the £30m to £50m range they were hoping for in February. This money can be used to buy back shares but not until after the end of August when the transaction settles.
- Syncona’s Freeline published dome trial data on it Haemophilia B treatment yesterday. The results support a move to Phase III trials. Strengthening the dose appears to have normalised the production of Factor IX for the most recently treated patients.
We also have results from Polar Capital Technology and a fourth quarter trading statement from PRS REIT