
Cameron Investors Trust aims to provide an attractive income yield and the prospect of income and capital growth through investing in a portfolio of predominantly UK equities.

Equities are selected for their inclusion within the portfolio solely on the basis of the strength of the investment case with the focus being on long term income growth along with capital preservation. Asset classes other than equities will be purchased from time to time, will vary as opportunities are identified and will include convertibles, preference shares, fixed income securities and corporate bonds. Investments will be made when prospective returns appear to be superior to those from equity markets or are considered likely to exceed the company’s cost of capital including any borrowing costs. However, non-equity securities will not constitute the majority of the portfolio.

Cameron Investors Trust plc is a family investment vehicle which was incorporated in 1957. The directors and their respective families have substantial shareholdings in the company. It was until recently a self managed investment vehicle. In order to increase liquidity in the shares the board undertook a review of strategy, appointed Troy Asset Management Limited as its investment manager, and listed on 14 June 2019.

you can access it’s website here