
Japan Residential Investment Company : JRIC

Japan Residential Investment Company Limited was established to make and hold investments in residential property in Japan. The Company through firms in which it has beneficial ownership seeks to provide Shareholders with stable income together with capital growth. The Fund intends to invest in and hold Japanese residential property predominantly situated in major conurbations which offer attractive yields and the potential for capital growth. Up to 15% of the Gross Asset Value (calculated at the time of investment) may be invested in commercial property once fully invested and measured at the time of investment. Although it is not the intention that Japan Residential Investment Company will seek actively to invest in commercial property, it may acquire properties which include elements of commercial property (for example shops situated on the ground floor of an apartment block). In addition, the Fund may acquire a portfolio of properties comprising a mixture of residential and commercial properties. In this event the Fund, subject to prevailing market conditions, will seek to sell any freestanding commercial properties.

