Harbourvest Senior Loans Europe was an investment company investing in the senior secured loans of private equity-backed mid-market companies in Europe, including the UK. In December 2014 it was put into liquidation and trading in its shares stopped.
29 Oct 2014 1 min read
Harbourvest Senior Loans to go into liquidation
HSLE : Harbourvest Senior Loans to go into liquidation Harbourvest Senior Loans Europe, having sold the last of its investments, plans to ask shareholders to approve a voluntary liquidation of the company. After paying the managers a performance fee of £1m and after liquidation costs, the fund estimates that shareholders will get about 26p per […]
22 Sep 2014 1 min read
Harbourvest Senior Loans exits last four investments
HSLE : Harbourvest Senior Loans exits last four investments Harbourvest Senior Loans Europe says that Spire Partners have sold the last four loans left in the portfolio at a small premium to book value. The Board complemented Spire on their efforts. Proceeds are expected in October and they say they will be returned to shareholders […]
19 Jun 2014 1 min read
Harbourvest Senior Loans Europe : HSLE – cash return
Harbourvest Senior Loans Europe has received proceeds of loan refinancing totalling £15.7m and has decided to use that money to return 11.24p per share to shareholders. They have also announced more details of the new investment management agreement with Spire Partners – Spire will get an incentive fee on loan realisations between now and 31 December […]