Polar Capital Global Financials subscription shares can be converted into the ordinary shares of Polar Capital Global Financials by paying 115p on 31 July 2017. The fund has a fixed life that expires in May 2020. It seeks to generate a growing dividend income together with capital appreciation for investors. Polar Capital Global Financials will seek to achieve its objective by investing primarily in a global portfolio consisting of listed or quoted securities issued by companies in the financials sector operating in the banking, insurance, property and other sub-sectors.
Research History
04 Nov 2015
QuotedData's valuation sheet on warrants, subscription shares and zeros - November 2015
We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 4 November 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out of date for […]
02 Oct 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – October 2015
October Warrants and subscription shares We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the afternoon of 2 October 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out […]
02 Sep 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – September 2015
September warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 2 September 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be […]
03 Aug 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – August 2015
August warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 3 August 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be […]
01 Jun 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – June 2015
June warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 1 June 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out […]
01 May 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – May 2015
May warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 1 May 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be […]
02 Apr 2015
QuotedData’s valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros – April 2015
April warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 2 April 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out […]
02 Mar 2015
QuotedData's valuation sheet on Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros - March 2015
March warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 2 March 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out […]
02 Feb 2015
February Warrants, Subscription Shares and Zeros
February warrants, subscription shares and zeros We have updated our warrant and subscription shares and ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 2 February 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out […]
02 Jan 2015
January warrants and subscription shares data
January Warrants and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 2 January 2015. Just click on the link above. We hope you find this useful. JPMorgan Japan Smaller Companies issued a new series of subscription shares with a two year life exercisable at a 2% premium […]
02 Jan 2015
January Zero Dividend Preference Share data
January Zero Dividend Preference Share sheet We have updated the ZDP sheet for you with numbers from the morning of 2 January 2015 – you can access it by clicking the link above. Bear in mind that the net asset value numbers that go into calculating the final asset cover may be out of date for funds that […]
02 Dec 2014
December 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData
December Warrants and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 1 December 2014. Just click on the link above. We hope you find this useful. Golden Prospect Precious Metals subscription shares have expired worthless and trading in them is being cancelled. JPMorgan Japan Smaller […]
03 Nov 2014
November 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData
November 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData November Warrants and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 1 November 2014. We hope you find this useful. JPMorgan Overseas subscription shareholders had the chance to convert their holdings into ordinary shares at a […]
01 Oct 2014
October 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData
October 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData October Warrants and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 1 October 2014. We hope you find this useful. We have added a new line this month, India Capital Growth subscription shares. These were actually […]
01 Sep 2014
August 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData
August 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData August Warrants and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 1 September 2014. We hope you find this useful. You may notice that one issue expired this month – Henderson International Income subscription shares were […]
01 Aug 2014
July 2014 warrant and subscription shares figures from QuotedData
July warrant and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 1 August 2014. Hope this is useful. You may notice that one issue expired this month – JPMorgan Emerging Markets subscription shares were in the money (the conversion price was less than the price […]
04 Jul 2014
June 2014 warrants and subscription share figures from QuotedData
June warrant and subscription shares We have updated the warrants and subscription share data for you with numbers from the morning of 4 July 2014. Hope this is useful.
13 Jun 2014
Warrants and subscription shares
140613 Warrants and subscription shares Following on from the sheet we published on Zeros the other day, here is a similar sheet covering Warrants and subscription share issues in the investment company sector with some basic valuation information. As with the ZDPs. we’ll aim to keep this updated once a month – but this data […]