
Life Settlement Assets B shares : LSAB is a class of shares issued by Life Settlement Assets. This fund’s investment objective is to generate long-term returns for investors by investing in the life settlement market.

The assets attributable to the A Ordinary Share Class will be predominantly invested in life insurance policies acquired from special or “distressed” situations, with exposure to both HIV and elderly insureds.

The assets attributable to the B Ordinary Share Class will be predominantly invested in life insurance policies exposed only to elderly insureds.

The assets attributable to the D and E Ordinary Share Classes will invest predominantly in fractional policies with exposure to both HIV and elderly insureds.

In respect of each Share Class, Policies will be or will have been obtained from a variety of sources, primarily in the United States.

The company does not intend to substitute assets held by the various asset classes as policies mature. The funds are therefore self-liquidating in nature. The company may however, from time to time: (a) acquire policies or cause the asset classes to acquire policies that meet the investment policy of the relevant share class, including but not limited to, fractional policies; and (b) cause them to dispose of policies. The company may also raise further capital in the future to acquire further policies that that meet the investment objective and investment policy of the relevant share class. It may also create new share classes.

you can access the fund’s website here

LSAA : Life Settlement Assets B shares