Toachi Mining Inc
Created by a veteran group of geologists, engineers and financiers combining a lifetime of technical and financial success in the mining industry. Focused on developing the high grade La Plata gold-copper-silver-zinc project in Ecuador to production.
The La Plata project is a gold rich volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit that was the subject of small scale mining from 1975-1981 by Outokumpu Finland. The project benefits from a modern drill and exploration database which was completed by Cambior Inc. from 1996-1999 and Cornerstone Capital from 2006-2009. In total, we have drill core and logs from more than 14,500 metres of drilling.
Combining very rich grades in gold, copper, zinc and silver, the La Plata project is also characterised by a significant exploration profile with multiple advanced targets defined by coincident geochemistry, geology and geophysics.