
Investment Trust Insider on Latin America

Investment Tust Insider on Latin America

James Carthew: Latin volatility requires a long-term view

Latin America has done surprisingly well since I last looked at BlackRock Latin American (BRLA) and Aberdeen Latin American Income (ALAI) two-and-a-half years ago. Its markets were very much out of favour as sabre rattling by Maduro in Venezuela, falling commodities prices, corruption scandals in Brazil and a likely extension to Peronist policies in Argentina under presidential candidate, Daniel Scioli, contributed to a slump in the region’s fortunes.

I concluded by saying that BRLA was a contrarian bet but, when things did take a turn for the better, you could do very well.

The main drivers have been political but commodity price swings have also had an influence. The Peruvian stock market had a great 2016…   read more here