
The alternative plays in investment trusts

Source: http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news-and-analysis/analysis/the-alternative-plays-in-investment-trusts/2016533.article

Income-seeking investors would do well to look at the alternative plays on offer in the investment companies space, such as renewable energy and asset leasing

With interest rates held so low for so long, it is not surprising investors have been looking for alternative ways to generate income. That search is only set to intensify from April when the new pension freedoms are expected to lead retirees away from annuities towards other income-producing options. Investment companies can be used as a solution to both these problems.

The structure of an investment company has numerous advantages over that of an open-ended fund. Investment companies can offer a predictable income stream, smoothing dividend payments by paying out of revenue reserves and even capital. As investment companies have fixed capital,


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