
Murray International outperforms in 2017

Murray International outperforms in 2017 – Murray International has published results for 2017. The chairman says that the NAV posted a total return of 14.7%, ahead of the total return of 12.8% from the benchmark (40% FTSE World UK Index and 60% FTSE World ex UK Index). The share price posted a total return of 11.0%, reflecting a slight narrowing of the premium to NAV.  “For the second consecutive year, strong returns from portfolio exposure to Latin American and Asian equities contributed significantly to overall total returns.  Sterling strength, particularly against the US Dollar, proved a slight headwind for income accumulation but, in general, global diversification proved beneficial as the UK equity market once again underperformed most of its global peers.” The total dividends for the year will amount to 50.0p, an increase of 5.3% from last year.

Top Five Stock Contributors                                             Bottom Five Stock Detractors
Sociedad Quimica Y Minera de Chile                     2.3   Inmarsat                 -0.3
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing                  1.3   Tenaris                  -0.3
Unilever Indonesia                                                     1.0   Swire Pacific            -0.2
Aeroporto del Sureste                                                0.9    Verizon Communications   -0.2
Daito Trust Construction                                          0.8   Coca-Cola Amatil         -0.1

The manager’s report is detailed and entertaining as always but too lengthy to include here. Instead we suggest you read it on the National Storage Mechanism’s website which can be accessed here

MYI : Murray International outperforms in 2017

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