
Content principles and objectives

The integrity, accuracy and balance of the content we produce is of paramount importance to us. While our business model means that some of the QuotedData research notes and news is sponsored material, we endeavor to maintain an independent viewpoint at all times. All investors can freely read our research and any content intended for the professional investor is fully MiFID II compliant; we do not conduct any share execution.

All of our content is produced with the following principles and objectives in mind:

  • Our content is written primarily for the benefit of the reader, not for example the company that is the subject of the note or the sponsor.
  • Our research committee of four highly experienced investment professionals, which includes the CEO and lead sector analyst, gives careful consideration to a range of factors before initiating coverage on a company. Criteria considered include whether the content (and in some case topic, such as quality of company) meets our quality threshold and whether it is a good fit for our readership.
  • We aim to achieve diversity of viewpoint and where possible two or more analysts at a time attend company meetings.
  • Extensive peer review is fundamental to our process, so that our research remains relevant and objective.
  • We seek to provide appropriate context and our notes address concerns and highlight risks or downsides head on.
  • Our notes do not carry buy or sell recommendations, leaving readers to make their own, hopefully more informed investment decisions, should they choose.
  • Our research, is subject to a robust editorial process and is checked rigorously before publication internally, following strict guidelines and finally by an external editor.
  • We study the ratings our readers give, to enable the readers to rate our work. This can flag an investigation by our investment committee to review the work of the analysts involved and take further action if need be.
  • On occasion, the client is involved in fact-checking, although editorial control remains with QuotedData at all times and we ensure payment always taken up front to aid the independence we seek.


“QDprime” is content that has been written by us to the above principles and objectives, or carefully handpicked content we have picked from 3rd parties; some of which we may receive payment for. While this is sponsored content, it should be noticeably higher quality than other sponsored content that can be obtained elsewhere for free.



“Sponsored” content is content that is written primarily for the benefit of our readers, under our guidelines, from carefully picked parties. Their content is periodically reviewed by our investment committee to ensure the highest level of quality and worth to our readers, but is not always reviewed before publication.


Conflicts of interest policy

Should a conflict of interest arise, it is declared on the relevant note. QuotedData, is a trading name of Marten & Co. Marten & Co from time to time may be paid by a company to help it raise money from investors or find a new home for some existing shares. While analysts’ remuneration may be linked to the profitability of the firm as a whole, he/she is independent of any trading activity that may occur from securities linked to the companies that are the subject of the notes. Employees of Marten & Co, may hold shares in the companies that we write about. However share transactions can only be done months before and after a research note is written (and published) to ensure its is completely unconnected.