
Types Of Investment Companies: Sectors

 Types Of Investment Companies: Sectors

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Investors can choose which assets to back and there is a wide range to choose from. Investment companies can provide global opportunities or give access to specific regions, countries and industrial sectors.

Some funds only invest in shares issued by companies that can be bought on a stock exchange (quoted equities), some invest in debt, some unquoted equities (private equity), some property and some buy other assets such as wind farms and ships. Some multi-asset funds can invest in a broad range of these investment types. Others focus on a particular niche such as technology, social housing, smaller companies or those that pay high levels of income.

 Comparing funds

The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) classifies investment companies into sectors. Investment company sectors are usually defined by what type of assets the investment company is invested in, where the investments are and what the investment company is trying to achieve. For example, AIC classifications separate funds focused on growth, growth and income and income. QuotedData has a page for each sector so you can compare similar funds.

Aberdeen Standard Investments is one of the guide’s kind sponsors