
NB Private Equity sets new dividend target

NB Private Equity sets new dividend target

NB Private Equity sets new dividend target – NB Private Equity Partners Limited has just declared its second semi-annual dividend  for 2018. The payment of $0.28 per share is a $0.03 increase from the company’s prior dividend and, on an annualised basis, this dividend payment represents a dividend yield of 4.1%.

Going forward, NBPE has announced a target yield of 3.0% or greater on NAV and plans to continue to make semi-annual payments to shareholders. They caveat that y saying that this dividend yield is a target only, is subject to available capacity and is not guaranteed.

While the company declares dividends in US Dollars, shareholders will receive pounds at the prevailing rate at the time of currency
conversion, unless an election to receive dividends in US Dollars is made on forms which are available on NBPE’s website prior to the
currency election date listed below. If an investor has previously elected to receive US Dollars, that election will be used unless changed. Investors who seek capital gains rather than income also have the option of participating in a dividend re-investment plan, forms of
which are available on NBPE’s website.

NBPE : NB Private Equity sets new dividend target

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