
JPMorgan Emerging Markets benefits from “simple, consistent and patient” approach

JPMorgan Emerging Markets benefits from “simple, consistent and patient” approach –  the annual statement for year ending 30th June 2018 for JPMorgan Emerging Markets (JMG) has been published.


The company reported a positive year with the total return to shareholders of +7.0% NAV return of  +8.3%. The company’s benchmark index , the MSCI Emerging Markets Index returned +6.5%  (TR in sterling terms)

Both asset allocation and stock selection were positive contributors to performance over the year. The outperformance of the benchmark was made up as follows:

Benchmark return



  Asset allocation


  Stock selection


  Currency effect




Investment Manager contribution



The investment manager kept transactions low and made only a small number of transactions over the year. This helped to keep costs down at 1%.

Chairman’s outlook

“As the US interest rate cycle has begun to turn, a stronger US dollar coupled with a more aggressive US trade policy has caused some weakness in emerging markets. However, this does not change the argument for investing in the quality companies in emerging markets that the Investment Manager has identified as the future winners. We believe that the long term growth story in emerging markets remains intact and that volatility in markets can give rise to attractive valuations. With its strong record of stock picking, the Company is well placed to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead.”

More on JPMorgan Emerging Markets

JPMorgan Emerging Markets’ objective is to achieve capital growth from emerging markets worldwide. In order to achieve the investment objective and to seek to manage risk, the Company invests in a well diversified spread of countries, industries and companies. JP Morgan Emerging Markets invests primarily in quoted securities in emerging stock markets but, where necessary or appropriate in the absence of suitable quoted securities, it may invest in unquoted securities. It may invest in other collective investment schemes, but usually only where legal restrictions prevent direct investment by foreigners or prudent diversification can best be achieved in this way.

JPMorgan Emerging Markets is managed to produce capital growth and not to produce any particular level of dividend and therefore the level of dividend will vary.

You can access the company’s website here

JMG : JPMorgan Emerging Markets

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