

QuotedData’s other news 24 July 2019

In QuotedData’s other news 24 July 2019:

  • SME Credit Realisation Fund (SCRF) reported annual results to 31 March 2019, with NAV down 0.78%. The company provides exposure to credit assets in the following ways: 1.) directly through a platform operated by Funding Circle and indirectly, in each case as detailed in the company’s original investment policy. SCRF saw the Funding Circle platform as a leader in the direct lending space to small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Miton UK Microcap (MINI posted annual results to 30 April 2019 with NAV per share down 19% year-on-year. It was a particularly challenging year for the micro and small-cap sectors of the UK market, with the lack of clarity around Brexit having an enormous bearing on smaller stocks without international exposure.
  • The global emerging markets trust, Mobius (MMIT), reported inaugural results covering the period from 7 August 2018 to 31 May 2019.  The share price total return since IPO was -5.1%, closing at 94.9p on 31 May 2019. In view of market volatility over the period, MMIT’s manager has taken a cautious approach to investing the initial launch proceeds with 76.5% allocated as at 31 May 2019.

We also have stories on Oakley Capital, Law Debentures Corporation, RM Secured Direct Lending and SEGRO.

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