

QuotedData’s other news 25 July 2019

In QuotedData’s other news 25 July 2019:

  • FastForward Innovations (FFWD), which typically invests in companies that it perceives as having significant intellectual property rights, has agreed to an extension (to 31 July 2019) of the terms of its simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) with Factom, an Austria-based blockchain technology company. FFWD describes Factom as specialising in building scalable blockchain technology to handle enterprise data and volume with a predictable cost model.
  • Fundsmith Emerging Equities (FEET) reported half-year results to 30 June 2019; total return NAV came in at +2.9%, which was significantly lower than the benchmark’s (MSCI emerging and frontier markets index) +10.7%. FEET attributed some of the relative underperformance to the significant impact had on the index by inflows into ETFs, which FEET’s manager believes inflated the prices of larger but not necessarily higher quality companies that are typically outside the its investable universe.

We also have stories on Alliance Trust‘s first results announcement since it completed its transformation plan to focus entirely on global equities, Primary Health Properties‘ first set of results following its merger with MedicX earlier this year, Capital & Counties‘ proposal to split out its Covent Garden holdings as a central London focused REIT and results from SEGRO (the UK’s largest REIT by market cap, at about £8.5bn).


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