

QuotedData’s morning briefing 26 August 2020

In QuotedData’s morning briefing 26 August 2020:

  • Hedge fund company, BH Macro (BHMG), which invests all of its assets in the Brevan Howard Master Fund, is having a strong 2020 with its shares up over 30%. This morning, it reported interim results, covering the period to 30 June 2020. NAV in the Sterling share class increased by 21.6% over the interim period. Chairman, Colin Maltby, noted: “The past performance of the Master Fund and the company has shown correlation with market volatility. In particular, volatility or unstable expectations in foreign exchange and interest rate markets can provide fertile environments for the Manager’s trading strategies. Such has been the case in 2020. Evolving perceptions of the pandemic, its economic consequences and the reactions of the monetary and fiscal authorities, have given unusual force to market instability, but many of the underlying sources of market tension have been building over several years. Fluctuating expectations for US Dollar interest rates, both short- and long-term, uncertainty in Sterling markets over the consequences of Brexit, political and economic stresses in the Eurozone and in several important emerging economies have all contributed to this environment of greater opportunity for the Master Fund and the company.”

We also have annual results from FastForward Innovations,

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