

Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income : ASLI

Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income  : ASLI invests in a diversified portfolio of ‘big box’ logistics and ‘last mile’ urban warehouse assets in Europe (this includes both the UK and the Nordic countries) with the aim of providing its shareholders with a regular and attractive level of income return together with the potential for long-term income and capital growth (target total return of 7.5% a year in euros). ASLI is targeting a 5% dividend yield in euro terms.

Dividends are paid in sterling but the assets and the income derived from them are predominantly in euros. The manager may use currency hedging to help reduce the volatility of the income but there is no current intention to hedge the capital value of the portfolio.

Now that the portfolio is well-established, we have published a number of notes on the company –

  • On the crest of a wave” published in October 2019 updates on the company’s progress
  • “Poised to expand?”, published in March 2019, warehousing in Europe is getting a boost from online shopping and retail market drawing investors

QuotedData published a pre-IPO note on the company that explained a bit more about how it works –

You can access the manager’s website here