
Keystone Investment Trust : KIT

Keystone Investment Trust’s objective is to provide shareholders with long-term growth of capital, mainly from UK investments. The portfolio is invested by the Manager so as to maximise exposure to the most attractive sectors and stocks within the UK stock market and, within the limits set out below, internationally. The Manager does not set out to manage the risk characteristics of the portfolio relative to the benchmark index and the investment process will result in potentially very significant over or underweight positions in individual sectors versus the benchmark. The Manager controls stock-specific and sector risk by ensuring that the portfolio is always appropriately diversified. In depth, continual analysis of the fundamentals of investee companies allows the portfolio manager to assess the financial risks associated with any particular stock. The portfolio is typically made up of 50 to 80 stocks. If a stock is not considered to be a good investment, then the Company will not own it, irrespective of its weight in the index.