
Asia Dragon Trust : DGN

Asia Dragon Trust (formerly Edinburgh Dragon : EFM) aims to achieve long term capital growth through investment in the Far East. The company’s benchmark index is the MSCI All Country Asia (ex Japan) Index. Investments are made in stock markets in the region, with the exception of Japan and Australasia, principally in large companies. When appropriate, the trust will utilise gearing to maximise long term returns.

We have written notes that explain how the fund works:

Returning to form“, published in August 2016, looks at how Asia Dragon is focused on the Asia ex Japan region and how quality has not been rewarded due to very low interest rates

An artificial reality?“, published in April 2016, the managers believe that policies of central banks and governments have created environments where valuations are no longer based on reality

Focused on quality“, published in September 2015, notes how Asia Dragon is managed and the makeup of its current portfolio positioning

You can access the manager’s website here