
Crystal Amber : CRS

Crystal Amber is an activist fund taking stakes in undervalued companies and taking action to enhance value. The Fund originates ideas from its screening processes and its network of contacts, including its shareholders. Companies are valued with focus on their replacement value, cash generation ability and balance sheet strength. During the process, the Fund’s goal is to examine the company both ‘as it is’ and under the lens of ‘as it could be’ to maximise shareholder value. Investments are normally made after an initial engagement, which in some cases may have been preceded by the purchase of a modest position in the company, to allow the Investment Adviser to meet the company as a shareholder. Engagement includes dialogue with the company chairman and management, and normally also several non-executive directors, as we build a network of knowledge around our holdings. Site visits are undertaken to deepen our research and, where appropriate, independent research is commissioned. Investee company annual general meetings are often attended to maintain close contact with the board and other stakeholders.

Their website can be found here.