
KKV Secured Loan Fund : KKVL

KKV Secured Loan Fund (formerly SQN Asset Finance Income) aims to provide its shareholders with regular, sustainable dividends and to generate capital appreciation through investment, directly or indirectly, in business-essential, revenue-producing (or cost-saving) equipment and other physical assets.

KKV Secured Loan Fund expects the majority of investments, over time, to be in the specialist segment of the leasing market where, typically, assets provide cashflow during the base term of the leases as well as offering the potential for additional proceeds through lease extensions or sales at the end of the lease. The Company generally does not intend to invest in the large single asset segment of the leasing market, such as aircraft leasing, which is heavily reliant on residual   value to meet its return targets, or the high volume, low margin segment of the leasing market, such as photocopier and automobile leasing, although it may do so, from time to time, if appropriate opportunities are identified in these segments.

KKV Secured Loan Fund may invest in assets in any industry. However, the Company generally expects to be invested in such industries where the Investment Managers see the potential to make the most attractive risk- adjusted returns which currently include, but are not limited to, Agriculture, Energy, Environmental, Manufacturing, Material Handling, Medical, Modular Accommodation, Technology and Transportation.

You can access the fund’s website here