
Amedeo Air Four Plus : AA4

Amedeo Air Four Plus aims to obtain income returns and a capital return for its Shareholders by acquiring, leasing and then selling aircraft. It is starting life by acquiring and leasing four Airbus A380 aircraft which have been or will be leased to Emirates. The Company will receive income in the form of Lease Rentals.  It is anticipated that income distributions will be made to Shareholders quarterly, subject to compliance with applicable laws and regulations.  From the first dividend payment in July 2015, the Company will target a distribution to investors of 2.0625 pence per Share per quarter (amounting to a yearly distribution of 8.25 per cent. as pro rated from the date of Admission to 31 December 2015, based on the Issue Price of 100 pence per Share) at least until such time as any aircraft other than the Initial Assets are acquired.

You can access the fund’s website here. You can also access Amedeo’s website here