
Trian Investors 1 : TI1

Trian Investors 1 Limited is a Guernsey domiciled limited company whose investment objective to generate significant capital appreciation through the investment activity of Trian Investors Management, LLC  and its parent, Trian Fund Management, L.P. (collectively, “Trian”).

Trian’s investment strategy is to act as a highly engaged shareowner at the companies in which it invests, combining concentrated public equity ownership with operational expertise. This operations-centric investment strategy has been deployed over a variety of market cycles for nearly four decades by Nelson Peltz and Peter W. May, and over the past 15 years with Ed Garden, who are the Founding Partners of Trian.

Investment objective

The Company’s investment objective, through its investment in the Investment Partnership is to generate significant capital appreciation through the investment activity of the Investment Manager and its parent, Trian Fund Management, L.P. (‘‘Trian Management’’ and together with the Investment Manager, ‘‘Trian’’). Trian’s investment strategy is to act as a highly engaged shareowner at the companies in which it invests, combining concentrated public equity ownership with operational expertise.

To find out Trian Investors 1, visit the company’s website by clicking here

TI1 : Trian Investors 1 : TI1