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Investment Trust Insider : Breath-taking range of new trust launches

Investment Trust Insider on Capital Gearing Trust

Investment Trust Insider : Breath-taking range of new trust launches

James Carthew, head of investment company research at QuotedData and Investment Trust Insider columnist wrote the following article:

Investment Trust Insider : Breath-taking range of new trust launches

The scale of fund raising being attempted in the investment companies sector at the moment might be unprecedented. Previous booms of initial public offers (IPOs) have tended to focus on one area of the market – split capital trusts with more than one share class, hedge funds and highly geared property, for example. These episodes did not end well.

Today, however, there is a real breadth of opportunity being laid out before investors. Many of these closed-end funds aren’t even relying on the hook of high-yielding alternative investments that has driven most of the launches of the past few years.

Many investment companies rumoured to be doing the rounds disappear before getting as far as publishing an intention to float. At the same time other funds appear, seemingly fully formed, without me hearing anything at all. A good recent example of this is Trian Investors (TI1), a £270 million Guernsey-based company whose shares started trading on 27 September, less than a week after publishing its prospectus….

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Investment Trust Insider : Breath-taking range of new trust launches