
F&C Managed Portfolio : FMPI – half yearly report

Peter Hewitt, manager
Peter Hewitt, manager

FMPI has announced its interim results covering the six months ended 30 November 2013.

The net asset value returns for the period were 2.9% for the Income shares and 7% for the Growth shares. This compares to a 3.9% return on the FTSE All-Share Index and 3.1% on the FTSE Equity Investments Index. The Board say the growth portfolio benefited from its exposure to technology (through RCM Technology Trust : RTT, Herald : HRI and Polar Capital Technology : PCT) and UK mid and small cap. (through Schroder UK Mid Cap : SCP, Diverse Income Trust : DIVI and BlackRock Throgmorton Trust : THRG). Performance in the income portfolio was held back by falls in the value of Asian and Emerging Markets funds it holds.

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