
Henderson Diversified Income : HDIV – interims

Henderson Diversified Income has published its interim accounts covering the six months to the end of April 2014. Over that period the fund generated a total return on net assets of 4.7%. The share price did not keep pace with the net asset value so the return to shareholders was 3.5%. The fund targets returns of 1.25% over LIBOR and so the fund comfortably met this objective during the period. The interim dividends have been maintained at 1.25p per quarter but they say the Board will consider declaring a larger final dividend.

Henderson Diversified Income expanded during the period, issuing 23.8m shares were issued in a placing and offer for subscription at 88.5p per share – raising £21m but they have also issued a further 15.7m shares since then to satisfy demand for the company’s shares.

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