

Marten & Co Income Strategies Conference 2020

Marten & Co Income Strategies Conference 2020

Many thanks to those of you who made it to our inaugral Marten & Co Income Strategies Conference. We had some great presentations from a diverse range of income funds.

JLEN Environmental – Shires Income – Civitas Social Housing – Henderson Diversified Income – Polar Capital Global Financials

The speakers outlined how their funds can contribute to a diversified income producing portfolio.

If you couldn’t make it but would like to see copies of the presentations, please contact David McFadyen on dm@martenandco.com

The details of the next conference, focusing on growth strategies, will be announced shortly. We are aiming for the end of April/beginning of May. The format will be the same – 20/25 minutes for each presentation, plus time for questions and an opportunity to meet managers after the event. To pre-register, again please contact David.


1 thought on “Marten & Co Income Strategies Conference 2020”

  1. Thank you for a wonderfully executed event, i’ll certainly see you for your growth one, hopefully with my wider team who all like investment trusts.

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