

QuotedData’s other news 18 February 2020

In QuotedData’s other news 18 February 2020 –

  • FastForward Innovations (FFWD) said that investee company, EMMAC Life Sciences (FFWD owns a 2.4% stake), had become the first European company to export medical cannabis to Israel. The company has successfully exported 400 kilograms of medical cannabis to Israel, to the Bazelet Group, the largest medical cannabis company in Israel.
  • The board of Renewables Infrastructure Group (TRIG), announced the appointment of Tove Feld as a non-executive director, with effect from 1 March 2020.
  • Merian Chrysalis acknowledged Jupiter’s bid for Merian and said “The board understands co-managers Richard Watts and Nick Williamson will transition to Jupiter as part of the transaction. Subject to the board conducting appropriate due diligence, the board anticipates there will be no change to the company following completion of the transaction, with Richard and Nick retaining portfolio management responsibilities.”
  • Aberdeen Frontier Markets has a date with destiny coming up – shareholders will get a chance to exit the company if it doesn’t beat its benchmark over the two years ended 30 June 2020. At 31 December 2019, it had underperformed this objective by 23.3%. Given the unlikelihood of the fund turning this around, the board says it will move swiftly after 30 June and provide an update as soon as practicable in July 2020.

We also have a new manager announcement by Jupiter UK Growth, annual results from TRIG and a portfolio update from LXI REIT.

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