
QD In The News

08 Jun 2015

UK small cap trusts surge as election fears subside

UK Smaller Companies trusts were among the best performers last month, after the political uncertainty of the general election subsided. The sector performed particularly strongly in terms of both price and net asset value (NAV), according to figures from QuotedData. http://www.investmentweek.co.uk/investment-week/news/2411360/uk-small-cap-trusts-surge-as-election-fears-subside

18 May 2015

The investment trusts backing lending platforms

http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/diyinvesting/article-3062370/The-investment-trusts-backing-lending-platforms-10-return.html “Lend-to-save and crowdfunding have become popular areas for investors in recent years and have become an interesting area for debt-focused investment trusts. There are now three investment trusts that put money into these peer-to-peer lending platforms that bypass the banks to connect lenders and borrowers and offer yields of up to 10 per cent. […]

08 Apr 2015

Japan investment trusts mostly in the lead

http://www.investorschronicle.co.uk/2015/04/08/funds-and-etfs/investment-trusts/japan-investment-trusts-mostly-in-the-lead-OClufkTc7yeh4SntBC5sCN/article.html Japan investment trusts mostly in the lead “Japan investment trusts are largely outperforming open-ended funds, according to research company QuotedData. On average, Japan investment trusts focused on larger companies outperform open-ended Japan funds on an annualised net asset value (NAV) basis over one, three and five years. “We think the reason is that the […]

27 Mar 2015

Cost-conscious Alliance Trust chief braces for onslaught

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a188bda4-ccbb-11e4-b5a5-00144feab7de.html#axzz3Vbb2O0ko Cost-conscious Alliance Trust chief braces for onslaught David Oakley, Judith Evans and Miles Johnson  

13 Mar 2015

Investment trusts over 20 years

New research has revealed which investment trust sectors have delivered most for investors over the past 20 years and which have left them short changed. http://www.portfolio-adviser.com/news/product-news/top-investments-trusts-of-last-20-years-revealed

03 Mar 2015

Information not advice or a hard sell

QuotedData, explains why this research resource was set up, and how it can help investors. The objective here is to provide research that is “clear, concise and understandable”, and QuotedData offers basic information for those new to investing, as well as more advanced coverage of the sector for seasoned investors. http://www.theaic.co.uk/aic/news/commentary/information-not-advice-or-a-hard-sell?dm_i=OVU,37U6V,7IMTJG,BISUD,1  

16 Feb 2015

Are investment trust performance days over?

http://www.ftadviser.com/2015/02/09/investments/investment-trusts/performance-fee-days-numbered-0LmrAGYNGXFnEghxaW0txK/article-0.html James Carthew comments on performance fees in an article published by Portfolio Adviser on 9 February Investment trusts that do not use performance fees are imminently set to outnumber those that do, as experts predict the controversial charges are heading for the scrapheap….. ….. James Carthew, research director at investment trust research firm QuotedData, […]

02 Dec 2014

The alternative plays in investment trusts

Source: http://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news-and-analysis/analysis/the-alternative-plays-in-investment-trusts/2016533.article Income-seeking investors would do well to look at the alternative plays on offer in the investment companies space, such as renewable energy and asset leasing With interest rates held so low for so long, it is not surprising investors have been looking for alternative ways to generate income. That search is only set to […]

26 Nov 2014

The big new trust betting property party isn’t over

The big new trust betting property party isn’t over Source: http://citywire.co.uk/money/the-big-new-trust-betting-property-party-isnt-over/a785658?ref=james-carthew KWE, 2014’s biggest investment trust launch, is betting that Europe’s property market still has further to recover from credit crunch lows. In many ways, 2014 has been a bumper year for investment trusts, and money keeps on flooding in. Excluding Pershing Sqaure (PSH.AS) because it is […]

10 Sep 2014

Fund chiefs optimistic on UK outlook, QuotedData says

Fund chiefs optimistic on UK outlook, QuotedData says Source: http://sharecast.com/news/fund-chiefs-optimistic-on-uk-outlook-quoted-data-says/22009157.html Following is a round-up of views on the UK’s macroeconomic outlook from the chairmen and investment managers at some the UK’s leading investment companies as collated by QuotedData at the end of July: We have seen over the past year a rapid recovery of the UK […]