Next event: Part 3 webinar/conference call Tuesday 5 September 2017 at 2pm


QuotedData’s analysts are making a series of presentations based on our guide to investment companies. These are free, open to all and can be accessed either over the internet as a ‘webinar’ (see link below) or via  a conference call (see below for dial-in details). To see a copy of the guide please click here. The next of these is on:

The QuotedData guide to quoted investment companies – Part 3









Part 3 – Tuesday 5 September 2017 at 2pm

  • What is a discount?
  • Managing the discount
  • Analysing past performance
  • Thinking about risk
  • Income, dividends and yields
  • Fees and expenses


Access details:

For more information / to sign up in advance / or to join the webinar on the day please Click this link

If you would like to join via the conference call, please join using the details below:

Phone numbers:

  • UK – Toll Free 0800-051-3810
  • UK Toll +44-203-478-5289
  • Access code: 233 939 944

Other dates in the series:

Part 1, held on Thursday 27 April, covered the following topics

  • What is a quoted investment company?
  • What makes investment companies different to other funds?
  • Comparing investment companies to open-ended funds
  • Types of investment company
  • Investment objectives and policies
  • Choosing an investment company
  • Research before you invest

Part 2 – held on Thursday 13 July 2017 at 2pm, covered the following topics

  • How is your money managed?
  • Investment company structures
  • The role of the board and shareholder rights
  • Net Asset Values (NAVs)