India Capital Growth’s net asset value is up 28.8% since QuotedData’s last note was published on 23 March 2016 (its price is up 20.1%) yet, in recent weeks, its discount has widened to 20.4%. The managers cannot see any obvious reason why the discount should be widening.
India shines as a bright spot in a world beset by economic problems: GDP growth is running at 7.9%. The managers of India Capital Growth believe, that whilst a series of sometimes painful, but very necessary adjustments is ongoing, India’s economy is now on a more stable footing and earnings growth, to date the missing ingredient in the bull case for Indian equities, is set to materialise and India Capital Growth, with its focus on small- and medium-sized stocks in India, is ideally placed to benefit. India Capital Growth is poised to expand its share capital by 50% as the August exercise date for its subscription shares approaches.